A lot is going on in the Indian telecom space right now. Recently, telecom operators like Reliance Jio, Vodafone-Idea, and Airtel increased their tariff prices. The companies have also launched some new plans for their subscribers. Vodafone recently launched Rs 99 and Rs 555 prepaid recharge plans. It now brings a new prepaid plan priced at Rs 997. This is a long term prepaid plan and offers heavy data benefit and unlimited calling facility for a period of 180 days.
The introduction of the Rs 997 plan was first reported by Telecom Talk website. Under the Rs 997 prepaid plan, subscribers get 1.5GB of data every single day for 180 days. This means in total the plan offers 270GB of data for the validity period. The plan also offers unlimited voice calling benefit and 100 SMSes per day. The report didn’t mention whether there’s any FUP limit on calls or not.
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The report notes that this Rs 997 prepaid plan is available only in select circles right now. So, consumers must check the availability of the plan before getting it. To check whether this new long-term prepaid plan from Vodafone is available or not head to the official Vodafone website and enter phone number. The list of available plan will be displayed.
Check out details of new Rs 99, Rs 55 plan
Vodafone also offers other long-term plans for prepaid subscribers. One of the most popular one is the Rs 1499 plan. Under this long term plan, prepaid Vodafone users get total 24GB of data, which is much lower than the Rs 997 plan. The plan also offers unlimited voice calls, 3600 SMS, Vodafone Play subscription worth Rs 499, and ZEE5 subscription worth Rs 999. The plan is available for 365 days.