EPFO Pensioners: Big news! Generate this number immediately, otherwise you will not get pension, know process


EPFO: A unique number is issued to the pensioners covered under the Employee Pension Scheme. With the help of that number, those people get pension after retirement. This is called Pension Payment Order (PPO). This number is issued by the Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) to the person retiring from any company.

After retirement, the EPFO ​​issues a letter to the employee, which contains the details of the PPO. In such a situation, if a person loses his PPO number, he can easily get it with the help of his bank account. According to the EPFO, if a person loses his PPO number, then he can easily get it again with the help of his bank account number or PF number.

This is the way to get PPO
Firstly visit the official website of Employees’ Provident Fund Organization https://www.epfindia.gov.in/site_en/index.php

Click on the option of ‘Pensioners Portal’ in the ‘Online Services’ section on the left.

On the new page that opens, click on the ‘Know Your PPO No’ option given in the left side.

Enter the bank account number linked to the pension fund or enter the PF number.

After the successful submission of details, the PPF number will be displayed on the screen.

Another way
Apart from this, you can also get your PPO number by opening https://mis.epfindia.gov.in/PensionPaymentEnquiry/ in a new tab. EPFO has a separate website to get information related to PPO number. Here you can get information about life certificate, PPO number, payment related information and your pension status.

Why is PPO number necessary?
As a pensioner, you should ensure that the Pension Payment Order Number is entered in your passbook. Many times it happens that the bank employees do not enter the PPO number in the passbook of the pensioner. When the pension account is transferred from one branch to another, when the PPO number is not there in the passbook, then it can cause problems. If this happens, then due to this the release of pension may also get delayed. Also, if you also file any complaint related to your pension in EPFO, then it is necessary to give you PPO number here too. Not only this, PPO number is also needed to know the online pension status.