Secure your family from life, health uncertainties in a single insurance plan


Risks and uncertainties are part and parcel of life and there are financial implications arising out of them. Thankfully, there are ways and means to manage risks and tide over uncertain events with ease. Insurance is one such financial tool that comes handy in managing both life and health risks.

An untimely death of the bread earner may jeopardize the financial goals of surviving family members. Life insurance acts as a tool to help the surviving members of a family to not only maintain their standard of living but also help them achieve their dreams and aspirations. Similarly, in case of health concerns especially when detected with a critical illness, there is a possibility of savings getting depleted in the absence of health insurance.

Both life and health risks need to be taken care of as early as possible in life so that uncertainty at various life stages can be managed without financial worries. Ignoring any one of them could be detrimental to your personal finances and may impact long-term goals of family members.

Meeting life’s uncertainties

And, what is a better way to manage both life and health risks though a single comprehensive insurance plan HDFC Life Click 2 Protect Life, that fits the bill in protecting your family against such uncertainties in life.

Depending on your need and requirement, HDFC Life Click 2 Protect Life, a protection plan for life and health risks, allows you to choose any of three plan options Life Protect, Income Plus and Life & CI Rebalance.

Life Protect option: Under the Life Protect option, you can choose a tenure for a limited period or for your whole life. Being a pure protection cover, there is no survival benefit to the policyholder but in case of death of the policyholder anytime during the term of the policy, the death benefit or the sum assured ( life coverage) is paid to the nominee.

Income Plus option: Next, to boost savings, the plan has the Income Plus option that provides you with a life cover for the chosen policy term and regular monthly income from age 60 onwards along with a lump sum payout on maturity.

HDFC Life Click 2 Protect Life, thus, adjusts itself to meet diverse needs when it comes providing financial protection to your family – a lump sum to help family meet their goals and also an option for regular income on surviving the policy term.

Life & CI Rebalance option: Finally, what adds to the value of HDFC Life Click 2 Protect Life and makes it a comprehensive insurance plan is the option to get coverage of health risks within the same plan. Remember, as one ages and financial liabilities reduce, the need for life insurance decreases as well. At the same time, the health risks rise and need higher protection.

To meet this need, under Life & CI Rebalance option, critical illness (CI) cover keeps increasing at each policy anniversary with corresponding reduction in life cover, thus restoring a balance between death and critical illness benefit.

Add-on benefits: Some of the add-on benefits available in HDFC Life Click 2 Protect Life include Return of Premium (ROP) option under the Life Protect and Income Plus plan options, Waiver of Premium on CI option and the Accidental Death Benefit (ADB) Option.

Staying Protected For a Lifetime

Having adequate coverage to take care of life and health risks is imminent and HDFC Life Click 2 Protect Life turns out to be the right solution for that. Coming from an insurer, HDFC Life, that has an assurance of 98.01 per cent claim settlement ratio*, HDFC Life Click 2 Protect Life is the insurance plan that you can bank upon for changing protection needs amist evolving priorities and altering lifestyles. Managing life uncertainties with HDFC Life Click 2 Protect Life is the answer to staying protected for a lifetime!

  • Individual death claim settlement ratio by number of policies as per audited annual statistics for FY 2020-21.