Arjun Kapoor has witnessed highs and lows at the box office in his nine-year stint in Bollywood. The one thing he has always been aware of is the audience’s reaction and feedback. Keeping an open mind about the criticism coming his way for certain film choices, the actor altered his path and decided to follow his heart and pick the kind of films that resonated with him. His decision proved correct when he was appreciated for his performance in Dibakar Banerjee’s Sandeep Aur Pinky Faraar. When asked if he is content with the way his career has shaped up over the last nine years, he says, “Well, it’s actually 10 years if you count the fact that I have been acting since October 2011. I feel stable, calm and happy that I am in a position where I am accepted by the audience. I go to work knowing what I bring to the table. Yes, there have been ups and downs where the audience has replied and given feedback saying they are not happy with certain aspects of my career.”
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