How To Download EPF Passbook


As a salaried class, you are required to monitor your EPF account in regard of the commitments made by your manager and guarantee whether the findings made in its regard from your gross complete salary really are credited into your EPF account. For the equivalent, EPF explanation can be an imperative instrument. Additionally it can enable you to know the measure of EPF corpus that has gathered throughout the long stretches of your work.

Further, with regards to charge arranging, you can allude the EPF explanation to realize the all-out commitments made towards the EPF account in a specific money related year that meet all requirements for reasoning under Section 80C.

Likewise, the announcement can be significant and give data that will be required while exchanging EPF account from the last manager to the new boss. Like a reserve funds financial balance, EPF account accompanies a passbook and to get to it you should be enrolled with the EPFO site. The passbook gives subtleties on PF account number, provident store, annuity plot subtleties, foundation ID and name of your boss, EPFO office and its sort and different subtleties.

Procedure to enlist yourself on the EPFO site

1. Visit Epfo site

2. Snap on Activate UAN (Universal Account Number) on the base of the page.

3. Another page requesting that you give subtleties, for example, UAN, part ID, Aadhaar, PAN, name, date of birth and so forth will show up. Note that the subtleties entered are according to EPFO records. A portion of the fields set apart with red mark are obligatory.

4. At that point subsequent to giving the subtleties, you have to tap on the tab referencing ‘Get Authorization Pin’. Later another page requesting that you confirm the subtleties given by you will streak. Nearby an OTP will be sent to your versatile number that is enlisted with the EPFO.

5. Enter the OTP and snap on ‘Approve OTP and initiate UAN’. What’s more, as and when your UAN is initiated, you will get a SMS giving the secret word to your EPF account, utilizing which you can sign into your record. Presently, you can see your EPF passbook just six hours after the enlistment is finished

Step-by-step manual for download your EPF explanation:

1. Visit site:

2. Enter your UAN, secret word and captcha code. Snap on ‘sign in’.

3. On effectively logging to your record, select the part ID to see your passbook. The passbook is in PDF group which is effectively downloadable.